Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Potty Training?

Yes, we are doing it again. I am determined to get Jordan potty trained before Cameron. We are on day 2, again. So keep your fingers crossed that this time she will stick with it and me too for that matter. Diapers are so much easier but cost too much. URGH!!!!


  1. Good Luck! I have always said I would rather go through natural child birth than to potty train. I guess I can control the circumstances better. Your family is looking great and sounds like you are really enjoying Michigan. Love you and miss you. Dedra

  2. We're attempting that at our house, too! However, I am not brave enough to leave the house without putting him in a Pull-Up. I'm not sure we'll ever fully get there :)

  3. Good Luck, honey! GO JORDAN!! By the way, how's life??

  4. Good luck!! I'm glad I'm done with that until my baby gets big enough.

  5. I had no idea you had a blog! I am not even sure how I found it. So just to warn you, I am going to add you to my fave list on my blog. That way I can keep up with you guys. I can't believe how big Cameron is getting! Geddy and I made cupcakes the other day (his request), they were strawberry. And he started telling me the story of how we took cupcakes to Jordan and she ate all the icing off. I had almost forgotten about that. Anyway, good luck with the potty training! Geddy has pretty much mastered it at this point. #2 still gives him some problems. But he is refusing to wear pull-ups even at night now, so he wets the bed at least one night a week. Oh well, doing laundry is cheaper than buying pull-ups! One of these days she will surprise you and just do it!
